Wednesday 6 December 2006

The spideybiz expert

We have managed to drag the spideybiz expert out of a darkened room in order to get a bit of advice on the world of business, economics, tourism and ICT. He spends much of his time analysing what people have been looking for on the site and then sometimes produces some words of wisdom.

This week the conversation was something like:

"Mr spideybiz expert, what have you discovered this week?"

"That a surprising number of people have been trying to find information on what ACORN is."

"And what is it?"

"It's a way of classifying people using 'geodemographics' - marketers use it along with things like social class - it stands for A Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods and you can find out what kind of people live where - it's also fun if you just want to be nosey about your neighbours. or you are just a stalker."

"Okay .... and where do you find it?"

"Just here - "

"Thank you spideybiz expert - back in your room now."

Tuesday 5 December 2006

Thanks for looking!

Thanks to everyone who has been using the site over the last few weeks now that it is pretty much up and running with very few problems - we've added more great links so have a look around - and a very warm welcome to Leicester College - thanks for joining the spideybiz revolution!

The team at